Saturday, September 3, 2016

Classroom Reveal: Year 4

We have already been back to school for two weeks!  This is extremely hard to believe.  It has been a whirlwind since day one.  Between learning a new math curriculum, using a new grading system, starting the PLC process this year, planning for a new schedule, learning new printers/copiers, coaching volleyball and having a part time job, I can barely keep my head on straight.

That being said, my classroom reveal is two weeks late.  Sorry, but that's just how life goes sometimes.  My room is almost "ready", I have a few posters I want to hang up yet, but since my room has already been "lived in", I felt like I shouldn't wait too much longer to write this post.

Enough it is!

I have tables this year!! I am so in love!  I had desks before that I put into groups, but tables just work so much better.  

As a school, the students were supposed to make expectation signs.  My students were very creative and instead of drawing a pencil, they taped their pencil to the poster.  

Daily bins for handouts and manipulatives.  Exit ticket envelopes for student reflection. 

  Pencil station and a origami basketball hoop a student made for me yesterday.  I was way more excited about that than I should have been.

Growth mindset posters and computer station.  I have four more of these posters to hang up yet. :(

Standards for mathematical practice.  Did you know that painters tape and hot glue work great to keep signs up on doors and walls?  If not, try it!  So much better than tape or putty.


  1. Love the tables too. How did they make the hoop? That is awesomed

    1. Thanks! I'm not sure. He told me he would teach me how to make one though.
