Saturday, October 15, 2016

From the Minds of Students: Vol. 1

Here are just three of the very random, entertaining conversations I have had with students this week. I am always surprised by some of the things students come up with.  Enjoy!

Monday: Absent from school to see John Hattie speak
Tuesday: Back at school

Student: "Ms. Korth, why were you gone the last two days?"
Me:"What did we do in class yesterday?"
S: "I don't remember."
M:"You don't remember? We even played games yesterday?"
S: ...
M: "We played bingo and ups and downs..."
S: Oh yeah!
M: "Was I here?"
S: "No, I don't think so."

Later that day there was a 7th/8th grade dance.  I of course went and was a dancing fool.  In my mind I thought, "What do middle school students love more than seeing their teachers making a fool of themselves? Nothing."


Same Student from above:  "Ms. Korth, did you go to the dance yesterday?"
S: "Oh yeah! You danced in the middle of our circle!"

Apparently, I am not that memorable.  I just discovered a part of my teaching I need to work on.

While students were working on their notebooks, a group was having a discussion about potato chips.  I'm not really sure what the nature of the conversation was about, but when I got over there we starting about making your own potato chips.  One student was absolutely amazed that you could do that. She even asked me if I was joking!  She could not believe that she could make her own chips by slicing potatoes and frying them in a pan or baking them in the oven.  I asked her what she thought chips were made out of.  She said she knew potatoes, but she didn't know you could make your own.  I asked her how she thought they made chips that you buy at the store. She responded that she thought they just came from the store.

We then discussed that you can also make your own french fries.  She did not know that either. She was going to go home after school and try it out.  The look of awe and amazement in her eyes was overwhelming!  Needless to say, I was equally amazed that we even had this discussion.


A student had a question on an assignment regarding the language of our textbook .  When I went to help him, he argued that it didn't make sense and said that their textbook last year didn't do that.  I told him we go new textbooks this year and it is from a different company.  The layout/language will be different than what they were used to.  He said he was going to call Tim McGraw and Faith Hill to complain.  I was very confused and asked why Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.  He turned to the cover and pointed to the publishers, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and said anything with McGraw and Hill has to be Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.  Now, I was mostly confused because McGraw and Hill are no where to be found in Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.  However, I think their textbooks last year were made by McGraw-Hill which is a textbook company.  Secondly, I was very amused that they even connected that with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.

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