Monday, October 7, 2013

Extraordinary Moments

Have you ever had "one of those days"?  Of course you have, we've all said that phrase many times in our lives.  But what does that mean "one of those days"?  Does it mean that it was one of those normal days that come around 7 days a week, 365 days a year?  Does it mean that it was one of those extraordinary days that only come around once in a while?  Or does it mean, as many of interpret the phrase, as one of those days where everything seems to go wrong?  That the universe's plans for the day did not magically align with your plans for the day?

Sure we all have those days, but should we really advertise our day as being lousy?  How does that help us or anybody else?  It probably doesn't, it just makes us feel worse.  So these are my words of wisdom.  Take those moments of that day that were not so great and discover the good that can come from them, create a positive energy that can help others have an extraordinary day.  Take those moments and learn from them, because if you are having some rough moments in a day, you are doing everything right, you are living.  We can't have great days all the time, and we won't have awful days all the time either.  Most likely we have a lot of good days that go unnoticed because in those good days we focus on what went wrong, and we turn that good day into "one of those days".

Paraphrasing the words of a professor of mine: "It's the extraordinary moments, that make an ordinary day extraordinary".

Find those extraordinary moments tomorrow and share those with the world!


  1. How did you get so smart and wise...must be from your parents :)
